Key Points
- CXR is an insensitive test for the diagnosis of COVID-1915 with the most common finding being bilateral/multilobar, asymmetric patchy or diffuse airspace opacities6,7,14,15
- Sensitivity of CT chest ranges between 70-97% when compared to PCR testing,1,8 though sensitivity decreases significantly early in disease10
- The most common imaging findings on chest CT are that of atypical or organizing pneumonia14 predominantly with bilateral (50-75%), peripheral, and basal predominant distribution (IMAGES 1-4)10
- Pleural effusion, extensive tiny lung nodules, and lymphadenopathy occur in a very small number of cases and suggest bacterial superinfection or another diagnosis10
- With disease progression, crazy paving and consolidation become dominant, peaking around 9-13 days followed by slow clearance at ~1 month (FIGURES 1-2)10
Imaging has been an important part of determining suspicion for COVID-19 with CXR and Chest CT being the two modalities most commonly used. However, chest X-ray as a diagnostic tool for COVID-19 is limited, with 18% of patients having a normal CXR at mild/early disease.15 This does decrease to 3% in those with severe disease, with the most common findings being bilateral/multilobar, asymmetric patchy or diffuse airspace opacities. 6,7,14,15
Chest CT, on the other hand, has shown promise as a diagnostic tool and given delays and initial reports of high false negative rates in PCR testing (ranging from 60-95%)10, some countries have employed early chest CT to help triage and isolate early disease.11 Sensitivity of chest CT has ranged between 70-97% when compared to PCR testing,1,8 though there is data to suggest that there are limitations to CT diagnosis especially in those with early/minimal symptoms. One study showed up to 17% of patients had a negative CT on presentation11 with 50% of patients having a normal CT scan 0-2 days after symptom onset.10
The most common imaging findings on chest CT are that of atypical or organizing pneumonia14 predominantly with bilateral (50-75%), peripheral, and basal predominant distribution (IMAGES 1-4).10 There can also be multiple, discrete areas of ground-glass opacity, consolidation, or both, often with round morphology or a reversed halo or atoll sign.10 Pleural effusion, extensive tiny lung nodules, and lymphadenopathy occur in a very small number of cases and suggest bacterial superinfection or another diagnosis.10 As the disease progresses, crazy paving and consolidation become dominant, peaking around 9-13 days followed by slow clearance at ~1 month (FIGURES 1-2).10

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Kieran Leong, DO